Wednesday 29 February 2012

Home shoot

On the 27th February school was closed because of a staff training day, we decided to take this oprtunity and film one of the scenes for our music video. We decided to shoot this scene at my house because we felt that it suited the mood and the atmosphere. We used several different shots; such as high, low and mid angle shots. The equipment we used was the camera, tripod, dolly and the tracking system which we used to do a backwards tracking shot outside my house. One of the problems we had was trying to assemble the tracking system but we overcame this problem by researching it on the internet.

Saturday 25 February 2012

Drafts and new imagery

After our feedback lesson our teacher told us that we needed to change our imagery, colours and logo for our ancillary tasks. Here are the new versions of the ancillary tasks and the photos that i have taken.

As you can see I have changed the colours and the type of photography to lighter colours and full body shots, I think this is a good combination because it makes the overall layout work and the red and the pale colour works.

Monday 20 February 2012


On the 28th of January me and Dean went to film at Bluewater with our model Katharine but unfortunatley Daisy wasn't able to come that day. We used a handheld video camera because where we were filming it was all grass and stones so we were unable to use the dollly or tripod. Even thouhg we had use of limited equpiment we still did a range of different shots such as closeups, long range and with this we had the mobility to film from different angles.

We mostly filmed the narrative for the story of the video which included katharine and Dean (who plays her boyfriend) being together and then Katharine on her own looking back to what she had.

Here is a behind the scenes video

Feedback session

On the 25th January my group had a feedback session with our teacher in class about the video and ancillary tasks. The feedback that our teacher gave us about our ancillary was that we shouldn't use dark colours and head and shoulder shots because this would be too similar to the actual artist and although we should be trying to portray the same mood as Adele we need to our own style for the ancillary tasks, our teacher also said that we need to finalise our drafts.

For the video the feedback was that we needed more iconic shots of London and that we needed more of a narrative so the viewer could follow and know what is happening.

Here are some of the original shots i took.

Here is the first draft of the magazine advert.

Saturday 18 February 2012

This weeks shoot

This week Dean, daisy, myself and our model Katharine went up to London to re-shoot some scenes that needed improving and shoot some new scenes. We wanted to portray the Journey that Adele is taking to recover form her heartbreak so we shot quite a lot of scenes of our model either walking through London our travelling on the underground or on buses. Through this we have included a lot of an iconic London such as the London Underground, buses and other various parts of London.

The equipment we used was a camera, tripod and dolly. We did a range of shots such as long shots, mid shots and closeups. The scenes that we re shot was the scene where Adele was looking back on the time where she was on the streets and she first met her boyfriend.